
[槟城食记]- 拍卖房享用晚餐?@ Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe, Kimberley Hotel

槟城 24-03-2016 毛毛细雨

Jalan Sungai Ujong 对槟城人来说,既熟悉又陌生,因为通常要到汕头街去觅食,都会经过这条路,只是你不知道它的名字而已。当你经过这条道路时,注意左边有一栋刚翻新的大厦—— Kimberley Hotel。Kimberly Hotel 旁有一间附属咖啡厅——Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe。
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe 光听名字,感觉咖啡厅里一定摆满了不少古董吧!没错,咖啡厅里的摆设多数都是来自大老板的私人珍藏。大老板希望真的有那么一天,可以在这里办一场拍卖会,这是我打听回来的。

Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Fruit Salad RM14
接着,我们还来了一盘小吃—— Nachos and Cheese。这小吃不但挑起了我们的食欲,如果再搭配啤酒一起吃,肯定大大的满足。此外,我们也尝试了另一种小吃—— Seafood Bruschetta。Bruschetta 的 Topping 有鱼肉、虾仁和墨鱼拌自制的酱料和厚厚的芝士。也许芝士的味道特别浓郁,盖过了海鲜的味道,想比下,我比较推荐 Nachos and Cheese。
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Nachos and Cheese RM12

Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Seafood Bruchetta RM14
好吧,是时候来碗热腾腾的浓汤暖一暖胃了,一碗 Cream of  Wild Mushroom with Garlic Toast 正合我们意。我们喝出浓汤由各种新鲜的蘑菇煮成,搭配蒜香烤面包一起吃,恰到好处!
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Cream of Wild Mushroom with Garlic Toast RM10
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Strawberry Milkshake RM12, Watermelon Lychee RM12, Deep Blue RM13, Ice Lemon Tea RM10
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Chocolate RM11
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Mocha RM11
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Grilled BBQ Chicken RM22
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Chicken Roulette RM25
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Stuffed Chicken RM28
在鸡肉料理方面,我个人推荐 Chicken Roulette 和 Stuffed Chicken。这两道算是功夫菜,准备和烹饪都相当耗时耗力。Chicken Roulette 使用了鸡胸肉裹着日本泡黄瓜( Japanese Pickles)、红萝卜、鸡肉香肠和芝士,吃起来口感多层次;Stuffed Chicken 里头则是塞了鸭胸肉、菠菜和奶油乳酪(Cream Cheese),让人吃出惊喜。
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Lamb Shoulder RM38
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Australian Rib-Eye RM52
牛肉料理和羊肉料理味道中规中矩,我个人比较钟意 Rib-Eye,比较有咬劲,味道也不错。
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Pan Seared Mackerel RM30
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Pan Seared Mackerel RM30
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Grilled White Tuna RM28
鱼肉料理方面不用说,Pan Seared Mackerel 那一飞冲天的卖相已经略胜一筹了,而且吃起来还多了一份香气。反而,White Tuna 吃起来口感一般。
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Fried Cuttlefish Spagetti RM20
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Smoked Salmon Aglio E Olio RM28
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Smoked Salmon Aglio E Olio RM28
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Crabmeat Pomodoro RM24
Smoked Salmon Aglio E Olio 味道还蛮可口的,面条也弹牙,唯一要注意的是要趁热吃哦!Fried Cuttlefish Spagetti 的炸墨鱼味道不错,只是白汁稍微有点稀化了,可以更浓郁。
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Warm Crepe with Mochi & Chocolate Ice Cream
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe- Warm Crepe with Mochi & Chocolate Ice Cream
Auction Rooms Georgetown Cafe
Auction Rooms Georgetown (ARG)Cafe
Add:38A, Jalan Sungai Ujong, 10100 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Business Hour:10.00am-10.00pm daily
Facebook:Auction Rooms Georgetown(ARG)

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