
[八打灵再也食记]- 创新、突破传统的料理之 Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown

八打灵再也 26-06-2016 艳阳天

提到 Damansara Uptown,就会联想到那里琳琅满目的食肆。老公曾经带过我来品尝每天都高朋满座的 Village Park  辣死你妈,而今天我要赴约的餐厅其实就与 Village Park Restaurant 同一排,只是隔了几间,坐落在 Restoran Khalifah 楼上(一楼)的 Ampersand by Culinary Rebels。
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown

Ampersand 其实是符号 "&" 的长写,象征着无限可能,就像餐厅负责人兼掌厨 The Magician、The Butcher、Rayman & G-man,他们对食物烹饪的天马行空、创新、寻找突破的坚持,全都反映在一道又一道让人惊喜的盘中餐里,好比餐厅的名字 Culinary Rebels,他们就是一群年轻的烹饪叛军!
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown

今天来到这里,也是托友人 Wen Li 的福气,怎么说金牛座的朋友都有缘聚在一起,而且都是吃货!我们来这里的目的主要是来享用 Weekend Brunch 和最新出品 X-rated Belly 以及甜品 Greeny Green by The Magician。

这里的 Weekend Brunch 顾名思义只有每逢周六和周日(还有公共假期)早上10点至下午3点才吃得到,而且与众不同的是,它的份量是供应给至少2人至4人的!温馨提醒,如果你只有一个人,那就要准备够大的胃,一人咽下两人份的食物咯!其实这也是餐厅特别用心之处,就是希望你能和多点人同时共享一份食物,达到独乐乐不如众乐乐的目的。我想周末嘛,大伙儿一起聚聚、聊天、享用美食,那多美好呀!

不说你不知道,这里的 Weekend Brunch 不盛在盘中,而是铺在香蕉叶上!!!餐厅先在桌上铺好香蕉叶,然后把烹饪好的食物一样一样的放到香蕉叶上。这对我而言还挺新奇的说,难道这样比较方便2 至4人同时享用食物?如果说想借香蕉叶增添香气,坦白说作用不大。
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Banana Leaf Breakfast (4pax- RM65, 2pax- RM40)
Scramble Egg, Crispy Grilled Bacon, Tomato Relish, Mixed Mushroom(Portobella, Button Mushroom & Shimeiji), Hash-brown, Double Cooked Potatoes, German Bratwursts & Lebanese Bread.
光看食物份量真的不是盖的,Banana Leaf Breakfast 的 Mixed Mushroom 和 Double Cooked Potatoes 的香气十足,每一口都是好滋味,搭 Lebanese Bread 一起吃非常有饱足感。
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown

Monster Breakfast(4pax- RM99)
Scramble Egg, ***BBQ Pork Ribs, ***Char Siew Pork Belly, Crispy Grilled Bacon,  Hash-brown,  German Bratwursts & Lebanese Bread.
无肉不欢的你,肯定不能错过 Monster Breakfast,一看就知道是为肉食动物准备的,又 Pork Ribs 又 Pork Belly,让你一次吃过瘾!Pork Ribs 腌得非常入味,牙齿轻轻一咬,肉就脱离骨头,停不了口!Pork Belly 一点都不柴,带有少许脂肪的部分,放入口就香味四溢。
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown

It's a WRAP(2pax- RM44)
Tortilla, ***Pulled BBQ Ribs, Char Siew Pork Belly, Eggs, Pickled Cucumber, Greens, Raita, Mango Sauce & Salsa.
It's a WRAP 相比之下,蔬菜部分比较多,吃起来比较健康,还有3种酱料的搭配。
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
The Sinful French(3-4pax- RM40, 2pax- RM28)
French Toast, Bacon, Brulee Banana, Blueberries, Strawberries, Peanut Butter Sauce & Gula Melaka.
法式土司任何时刻都是我的最爱,还搭上贝根(Bacon)、花生酱和 Gula Melaka,我肥死算了!
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
X-rated Belly by The Magician(RM36)
German Pork Belly(大约350克), Char Siew Sauce, Tofu Puree, Peanut Butter Mustard.
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Rebellion Belly by Ray(RM36)
German Pork Belly(大约350克), Chimichurri, Spice Pine-Mango Chutney, Capsicum Berry Sauce, Salad, Flashed Fried Cherry Tomatoes & Crunchy Caper.
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown 
Greeny Green by The Magician(RM18)
Molten Lava Matcha Tart, Red Bean Cranberries Green Tea Fudge Cake, Honey Tofu Cream, Vanilla Ice Cream.
当抹茶塔(Matcha Tart)一切开,看到抹茶熔岩流出那一刻,我的心也跟着融化了。抹茶 Fudge Cake 吃起来也非常绵密,搭上 Honey Tofu Cream 和 Vanilla Ice Cream 一起吃,冷热交叉的刹那,带给味蕾冲击的快感。
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown 
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
除了 Weekend Brunch, 餐厅也在平日(Weekdays)早上11点至下午2点提供午餐套餐,价格从 RM8.90 - RM16.90, 也可以多付 RM2.50 - RM5.00 追加饮料。
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown- Iced Caramel Cappuccino RM10
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown- Lychee Cooler RM10
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown- Pandan Chiaseed Tea RM10
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
在 Ampersand by Culinary Rebels 餐厅里,一边听着餐厅播放的背景音乐,一边用餐,似乎给了我一种不羁放纵,不受约束的自由感觉,顿时就把一周的疲惫和烦恼抛诸脑后,沉浸在忘我的世界里。
Weekend Brunch @ Ampersand by Culinary Rebels, Damansara Uptown
Ampersand by Culinary Rebels @ Damansara Uptown
Address: First floor, 19, Jalan SS 21/37, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Contact: +603-77329711
Business Hour: 11.00am-3.00pm; 5.00pm-11.00pm on Weekdays
                        10.00am-3.00pm(Weekend Brunch); 5.00pm-11.00pm on Weekends
                        Close on Wednesdays
Facebook: Ampersand by Culinary Rebels

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