槟城 26-08-2017 晴
从韩国出差回来没多久,就应了猫老大 Criz Lai 的邀约,回槟城赴一场名为 “Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes”的推介礼。由于现场会有烹煮示范,于是携带热爱烹饪的妈妈一同前行,她心里可高兴得很呢!(这刚好也能促进我俩母女的感情,嘻~)
来到 The Wembly St. Giles Hotel,映入眼帘的就是堆积如小山丘的新鲜马铃薯和各式各样的马铃薯制成品!走廊的中间还摆放着以马铃薯制成的小点心和水果。当天的出席者除了我们博客外,还有一班嘉宾呢,场面可说非常热闹!那里还有一个摄影板供我们拍照哦~
在未正式入席前,我们就有机会先品尝一些以马铃薯制成的点心如:Potato Curry Puff、Cajun Fried Chicken Wings、Fried Crinkle Cut Fries 以及 Fried Basket Weaved/ Lattice Cut Fries。我对 Basket Weaved Fries 印象特别深刻,因为看似普普的外表,没想到咬下去却异常酥脆,厚度适中,蘸着现场准备的酱料(Chilli Apricot Dip、XO Mayo Dip & Salmon Tarta Dip)一起吃,真的赞不绝口!
吃了一些点心垫垫肚子,我们就入席去。首先,由 槟城Potatoes USA 代表 Mr. William Tan 为我们致欢迎词与拉开序幕。接着,有 Potatoes USA 的贸易促销总监 Mr. Richard Lieu 更进一步地与我们分享 Potatoes USA 的由来与讲解美国马铃薯的各个品种,这包括了新鲜马铃薯和冷冻马铃薯。
其实早在 1971 年,一群美国的马铃薯耕种者就成立了 Potatoes USA,目的就是为宣传与发扬吃马铃薯的好处。如今 Potatoes USA 已是超过 2500名马铃薯耕种者的代表,是一个专负责推广和研发马铃薯产品的组织。这么听起来,Potatoes USA 确实造福了不少美国的马铃薯耕种者。
此外,原来在美国售卖的新鲜马铃薯品种有近百种之多,细分之下可以归类成7大类:Russet、Red、White、Yellow、Blue/Purple、Fingerling 和 Petite。咋看之下,它们是以颜色和形状不一样而区分,当然在味道与口感方面也会有别。我们在这里的市场常看到的就有:Russet (褐皮马铃薯)和 Yellow (黄肉马铃薯),有部分的品种则是季节性的。美国马铃薯的品种那么多,相信一定能满足不一样的食谱佳肴。
除了新鲜马铃薯,这次推介礼的主角之一,就是冷冻马铃薯。这些冷冻马铃薯都是由新鲜的褐皮马铃薯制成,经过快速冷冻方式,锁住了马铃薯的营养价值,并延长其贮存期。从我们熟悉的薯条、Wedges 还有 Hash Brown,更不乏各种花式切法的马铃薯产品,种类可说应有尽有,以满足不同需求。
为了解开许多人对马铃薯的各种迷思,大会也邀请了有15年经验的营养师 Ms. Khoo An Jo 教授为我们一一揭开马铃薯的薄纱,让我们更全面地认识马铃薯。(由于听得太入神了,竟然忘了照下 Ms. Khoo 的台上风采~)
许多人说马铃薯是碳水化合物,吃多了会导致肥胖问题。其实你可能不知道一颗手掌般大小(约 5.2盎司)的中型褐皮马铃薯,只含26克的碳水化合物,仅有110卡路里,不含脂肪、钠与胆固醇。它的钾含量有15%还比香蕉高,并含有30%的维生素C。
再说,马铃薯是属于复合式碳水化合物,在人体内需要更长时间分解消化吸收,可提供更持续的能量,较不容易肚子饿。而且新鲜马铃薯也属 “全食”(Whole Food),亦是完整天然食物的意思,未经加工处理,并意味着这些食物的营养素是完整的,因此在摄取其维生素及矿物质时,更易让人体吸收。
当知晓了拥有那么多好处和营养于一身的美国马铃薯,接下来当然不能错过马铃薯的烹饪示范!这场烹饪秀,由大名鼎鼎的槟城厨师协会主席 Chef Audee Cheah 主持。他将通过一双巧手和一身料理真功夫,把平凡的马铃薯变化成一道道创新又美味的佳肴!掌声鼓励鼓励~~~
Chef Audee 以幽默又熟练的手法,在现场示范了4道佳肴,分别有以新鲜马铃薯制成的 US Potato & Prawn Kerabu 和 Curry Chicken Stuffed US Potatoes,以及以冷冻马铃薯制成的 Kimchi Seaweed US Lattice Cut Fries 和 Chilli Flavoured US Potato Wedges in Lettuce Cups。Chef Audee 说他所分享的食谱,很适合在家办派对时,准备来招待客人,因为烹饪方法简单,而且都是 Finger Food,一口一个,很方便,也不失好味道。
在示范了3 道佳肴后,有个5分钟的休息时间,这时 Chef Audee 竟然点名邀我当他的助手,一起示范最后一道佳肴,我当时真的有些受宠若惊,但是恭命不如从命,我就尽力吧!幸好平时在家也有下厨的习惯,到了台上还算应付自如!非常感恩有这么一次宝贵的机会,可以和Chef Audee 携手烹饪一道菜肴,顺便在他身边偷师!
示范结束后,就是试吃时间啦~ 我最喜欢的两道就非 Curry Chicken Stuffed US Potato 和我有份参与的 Chilli Flavoured US Potato Wedges in Lettuce Cups 莫属,一个是以鸡肉入菜,一个是以牛肉入菜,我承认我是肉食动物,呵呵~ 在家你可以选择油炸或用 Air-fryer 来烹调马铃薯,但是我本身还是比较倾向后者,因为比较健康。
反而回来之后,我自己就去了Tesco 超市,买了2颗 US Russet Potatoes,弄了一份马铃薯泥和一份芝士蛋烤马铃薯皮。虽然价格相比本地或中国马铃薯来得高,但是一分钱一分货,而且口感差得可远呢~ US Russet Potatoes 弄出来的马铃薯泥口感真的好绵密,而且不需要太多调味就能吃出天然好味道。而马铃薯皮经过烘烤后,多了一份香气!在用马铃薯时,记得要连皮带肉一起吃哦,因为马铃薯的营养都蕴藏在皮的边缘!
这趟的“Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes”推介礼,真得让我大开眼界、获益匪浅。大家如果想更了解 Potatoes USA 亦可游览他们的网站查询:http://www.potatoesusa.com/
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
再说,马铃薯是属于复合式碳水化合物,在人体内需要更长时间分解消化吸收,可提供更持续的能量,较不容易肚子饿。而且新鲜马铃薯也属 “全食”(Whole Food),亦是完整天然食物的意思,未经加工处理,并意味着这些食物的营养素是完整的,因此在摄取其维生素及矿物质时,更易让人体吸收。
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA(Photo credited to 我爱我生活) |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
Healthy Delicious Dishes with US Potatoes by Potatoes USA |
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